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Client Feedback January 2020

CareerS Guidance Galway

Start tomorrow today


Q.1. What prompted you to seek Careers Guidance Galway services? What situation or problem did you need to solve?

I sought careers guidance as I was unfulfilled in my current job,

unmotivated by my current career stream, was feeling quite unhappy and needed to make a change. I knew that I wanted to change from hard sciences to working with people and I had some idea of how this may be possible in the long term. But since I was very unhappy in my current job situation I needed an intermediate/transitional step. I didn't know what my options were or where to look for jobs/opportunities that would suit my personality and skills and that would help me take a step toward shifting my career path. 


Q2. What are the two most significant improvements that have resulted from your work with Delia @Careers Guidance Galway?


From working with Delia I have been able to identify areas of work that woud suit my personality, skills and previous experience. Delia also helped me to identify routes and and various options that may be suitable for my next career step. Overall I came away with a wide variety of options that are very much focused on my needs personally and professionally which gives me both focus and flexibility (and relief!) at turbulent time in my career. 



Q3. If a potential client was on the fence about whether to work with Careers Guidance Galway or not, what would you say to them?

I benefited greatly from working with Delia as I came away with perspective on career options that will suit my personality and skills. This has given me a new confidence in my abilities, qualities and direction going forward in an uncertain time. After working with Delia I'm more focused and prepared for the changes ahead. 



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