Education news !
Making an informed decision for the next academic year, is as important now as ever. Careers Guidance Galway, is available via Zoom to help you identify the course and college for you!
Upcoming -Virtual- University and College Open Days -Register now!
@ Maynooth University
We’ll be using our website to deliver our Open Day presentations and YouTube to show you around our campus and facilities.
Registration for this event essential
25th April 10am
@ Waterford Institute of Technology
WIT’s virtual open days are focused around discipline areas. Each day lecturers and support staff from one of our five academic schools will be online to answer your questions and help you choose the college course that’s right for you.
Get involved and converse with the online experts 20th to 24th April from 2pm daily.
@ Dundalk Institute of Technology
Virtual Open Day - 21st April 2020
Register for our Virtual Open Day which takes place on Tuesday 21st April 2020, 10am — 7pm for students from Northern Ireland, late CAO Applicants and Secondary School students in TY or 5th year.
CAO – Third level college applications
Online late applications are still being accepted up to 1st May at 17:15. To make a late application click on and `Apply`. The CAO Change of Mind facility will operate as usual, opening on the 5th May at noon and closing on the 1st July at 17:15.
Further education college OPEN TO applications – Galway City colleges
Galway technical institute
Galway community college
Due to open for applications in the third week of April.
Student grants are available to those who want to go to college but may need some financial assistance in order to get there. They are means tested, which means that if you are living at home, your parents' /partners income will be taken into consideration when you apply for a student grant
Email for advice and guidance
